» News
  • Amine Al Aswad : Medic…Peninsula Shield Forces Broke His Neck

    Bahrain Mirror (Exclusive):“Hello, Ahmad…Hello, where are you..it’s a disaster, a disaster.. I can’t believe what I see!” those were the words of detained medic Amine Jaafar Aswad

  • Bahraini Doctors: A Thorn to the Regime - part 1

    Bahrain Mirror (Exclusive):"The doctors were the fish that the regime wanted to swallow. It swallowed the fish in a bite. But the regime forgot that the fish had a thorn" An observer.

  • Phone Rings: Hello, You Are Expelled!

    On the 13th of March, the University administration
    accused some students-of which some attended the Pearl Square protests-of
    deliberately entering the University to sabotage, intimidate, and perpetrate
    violence, while the administration simultaneously set a blind eye to masked
    thugs who stormed the University campus (under security forces protection) with
    sticks, iron rods, and swords terrorizing the students!